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"That you travel the opinion of agreeable dockyard BE?"
"Requests to design according to the president of verify warship tonnage displacement just 3,000 tons, because the steam round machine needs more steams, this means on the battleship to install more boilers, this takes up ship body tremendous space and weight.This kind of small scaled cruiser in consideration of its use by all means belongs to investigate to wait effect, so for canning let it attains 20 section above high speed, we have no at top install big caliber to soon shoot cannon, its martial have an equipment is ten 76 millimeters of space Lu Sens to soon shoot cannon, even if such it only can attain the sail of 21 sections as well soon, if in consideration of it can for a long time keep this sail soon, Be investigate with contact force with the warship can reach a mark, just its ability seemed to be some chicken ribs ……"Wei become the Xun say.
Tan Yan says with a smile:"This must be the design of the Wei's total engineer?"
"The president laughed and said true.Need not navy puts forward an opinion, this kind of exists ability on the battlefield the weakest, Wu Bei's strength doesn't bulge again of vessel.Even have our inner partses very great opinion,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, if only verify a steam round machine ground application, I think greatly need not, like this do really is wasted too much ……"Wei's source say.
"What about you?"
The Wei becomes Xun to say:"We equally think the small scaled cruiser like this has no necessity to construct, we also put forward the verification warship of constructing the larger type at the same time, this kind of verification warship according to now we the foundation of design ground city class cruiser up put forward----In consideration of its battle use, we will it displacement design of a little bit larger, can adopt a steam round the machine drive, but the sail is soon extremely limited."
"Its advantage?"Tan Yan asks a way very directly.
"This kind of verification biggest warship of dissimilarity it Be been placed in to its cannon tower the turn is 13 meters-Shanghais Chiang-Nan to make a bureau currently to the ground new product is three connect pack eight inch lord cannon tower.According to experience of the naval battle at most shortly time inside throw in more principles, at future war row warship up certanly will also appear three to connect to pack 12 inch lord cannon tower.Even if Chiang-Nan bureau in Shanghai there hasn't corresponded now of plan.But in the future three connect to pack 12 inch lord the cannon tower equally also need a sea to test platform.When the time comes we for promising the credibility of design, also want to construct a sea test platform alone, late set up with it to rather and early set up.This large verification warship can verify steam round machine's applied circumstance in large battleship and also own the cannon tower of big diameter turn, can satisfy 12 inches even are larger calibers of three connect to pack the sea of the cannon tower test use ……"Wei become Xun answer way.
Tan Yan twists a head rightness prosperous machine factory representative to ask a way:"Engineer Li Zong, do we have the ability production steam round machine?"
Engineer Li Zong in Tan Yan Kou woulds be together Wei's source is similar to be from ship political situation ground in Fukien of Li Shou Tian, in those early years he because the trial run power of Wei dragon the system broke down but be relieved official position, empress drive the officer recovered job.Li Shou Tian, Chen Zhao Ao and Yang Lian Chen are to travel agreeable shipbuilding place power system to have power ground three experts most in times before, because Tan Yan at that time can not to trip the agreeable dockyard Be large-scale to note a property.Then adopted to raise the way of setting up the prosperous machine factory.Transfer the power system production part, produce battleship appropriation in Tienjin ground power system.But Li Shou Tian then left to travel agreeable dockyard and became a total engineer to be responsible for a technique problem in the prosperous machine factory.
"The steam round that can produce 2,500 horsepowers according to our ability currently machine, but offend a pass currently of the direction is to imitate to build a British Pa Sen Si type a steam round machine, its exportation power can attain 4,500 …… the news sending back according to British aspect said, the British related factory house could produce a steam round that the exportation power attains more than 5,500 horsepowers machine, our next targets woulds be to purchase this kind of, the machine carries on science and technology to offend a pass ……" Li Shou Tian says.
"Wei total engineer, the Wei becomes engineer Xun's viewpoint very good, the one step is good enough to construct a large technique verification of warship, if have the existence to is such a to verify a warship, that we now also need not dismantle far cannon tower in the town to do three to connect to pack eight inch lord the test platform of the cannon tower ……believe that you should be able to also see, why disunity opinion?!"Tan Yan smiles to ask a way.
Wei's source rubbed to rub hands to say:"The large verification warship like this was really too expensive, estimated whole costs down probably will more than 3,000,002 silvers, if say over 4,000,002 I am also a letter of, after all what we adopted is one steam round that has never used machine.In this aspect our only having the steam round the machine isn't enough in the application of power station, this costing of aspect was too really Gao some ……"
Tan Yan orders to say:"You is also correct from the economic consideration, otherwise in of how many can't construct an even far warship in ten several year ago dint lords, either ……however I think that the silver of the flower absolutely can not save, not the silver that flower we want to eradicate completely waste, if this large verification warship can attain just a Wei and become the words like that that engineer Xun says, I think that the government is to absolutely can give it's special and slant, is the premier this truth?!"
Being quiet and original is uninterested these, listenned to so for a long time all soon and asleep, however still is awakening, knows that Tan postpones to pull over at him so much he means the value to these experts and just doesn't do instead of listenning to his opinion what the performance for ruding in behavior is hearing Tan Yan immediately respond to after asking words:"Certainly BE, have no problem on the public finance appropriation!"
"In fact I think that the design project of 3,000 ton classes you design in times before can also join to come in, although it in addition to can for a long time keep 21 high sails soon don't have no him long, you once considered having no.We not only need the forerunner's battleship, but also need a mature navy talented person.The steam round machine still doesn't can make to apply to last condition in the large battleship now, but science and technology is progressing.I believe to be like to fight large battleship like this of row warship if want to get away from the role of slow tortoise, that has to wait in the steam round machine new technique up put forth effort ……we what to want to attain is a person to wait a material, not material wait a person, two verification warships coming to a decision them will usually get into dockyard to accept various reformation, so have to have an often back up with development various navy talented person, particularly a machine soldier, make them acquaint with steam round machine quickly, promise can on the water independence solution is most of the machine problems ……"Tan Yan say.
"According to recent decade come of large naval battle result to see, experience of A noon naval battle and a series of naval battle of the United States and Spain to see.Both parties ground the belligerence be apart from all nearer, but recently big Qingdao naval battle.Both parties ground the belligerence distance have already raised 7 kilometers.Compare before allly the naval battle belligerence distances all had to be far, hereafter used three lord the design of the cannon cannon tower would definitely become main current, I suggested Chiang-Nan in Shanghai to make a bureau to open three connect pack 12 inch lord the design of the cannon tower ……"Wei become the Xun said.
Tan Yan says with a smile:"This suggestion is very good.Pass big Qingdao naval battle, we all understand big warship huge cannon ground the ages have already arrived, the leading role of naval battle is the war row that own more violent thermodynamic power hereafter warship.In the big Qingdao naval battle although we are similar to 12 inch amount of artilleries owned by Japan,our new artilleries own higher times path, make the thermodynamic power be getting more violent, but the providing of forerunner play system to make the lord cannon shoot velocity almost 200% at the opponent.Can say big Qingdao naval battle not only is the north ocean navy's officers and men to use a life, also is at everyone whole life struggle ground result.Have no you these to build a warship person.North ocean navy ground the victory is don't know where to begin telling a stor!"
The meeting of the whole navy opened in Peking for three days, at these three days in.In addition to discussing various problem with them, Tan Yan also invite the treatment-all technique experts that they enjoyed an emperor sort to live what ground is Forbidden City, eat is to resist food building, even Tan Yan still arranges to take a picture teacher for them, can choose that the emperor clotheses like Long Pao,etc comes to freedom and makes selection a view and takes a picture and keeps as memory in the Forbidden City, only no one's trying and wearing Long Pao and taking a picture is what taste just.
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