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The sun Cheng lake hairy crab.
"Hairy crab?"
"Yes.The sun Cheng lake hairy crab is known for world, is sovereign in the crab, hall in blessing haven't you heard?"Lookinging at Anne in Fu-lung doesn't understand that the ground sees toward oneself, He Gui smiles to counter-question a way.
"This sun Cheng lake crab old man's pouring is to once hear, unfortunately always no chance such kind of delicacies.What adult.Does this crab produce at this time?"
Manchu Court come of totally only three people:Laurel, Anne in Fu-lung, He Gui.Blessing Kang Anne remains such as in times before so stay in Suzhou to stay in.However, he this time stay in Suzhou isn't the other people's idea, but come from the order of laurel.To this, a public wait all heart to know the belly is clear, the laurel isn't a simpleton, the somebody else early knows that this time negotiation perhaps can't have what kind ground result.Can he is still looking after blessing Kang Anne.This lets Anne in Fu-lung all the way very silent, on a ship of time always get around possibly laurel, hide in the cabin even would not like to come out to see, either on scenery of lake.If not that ascending now island, this guy estimates to also immediately after hide.……After all, heel in their house the friendship of laurel is deep.Though is also long in the officialdom.This noodles skin still keeps pulling not to come down.
"Nine female ten maleses are old medium hall, the sun Cheng lake crab wants to eat a female crab in September, at this time female crab roe the full meat is thick;Want to eat a male crab in October, at this time the male crab cream foot the meat is hard.The positive that time that you come waits!"Hear asking of laurel words.He Gui Xiao answers a way.
"Good.Wait foolish meeting son to finish talking with those English Yis, must let precious jade the wood have 1 table well for me!Ha ha ……" the laurel say with smile.
"Medium hall, sun Cheng the lake not only has a hairy crab, but also has eight marine productses, number Yue eight fresh, you must also taste!"He Gui says with smile again.
"That is the nature.Being rare to come to Chiang-Nan is a , from can not miss these delicacieses!"
The laurel have been being full of smiles, people could not realize he exactly has that kind of abandoned lose feeling.He Gui also seem to have no the matter person's son, just discuss with this old man's house all the way some not wear the topic of side, Anne in Fu-lung heel after two Human bodies, had been arriving at the destination sun Cheng village like this, and then didn't before calculating a broken-down yard door get a to arrive at a so so still in soldier's district.
"Is old medium hall, two Yes, what adult, those English persons are waiting you!"
River total soldier, Li Heng, in the town early waits at here, see 3 people coming over and immediately facing to go out to say.Because the negotiation location choosing this time is regarded as in the inland, the English square represents early and early drive blessing Kang Anne parties Li Heng took sun Cheng lake, compare laurel, Anne of Fu-lung and He Gui San the people are it's yet early to a day.Being waiting in the sun Cheng village village master's home at this time is conveniently also led by Li Heng of dark secrets camp and the Rui Jian camp officers and men to see dead dead of.Certainly, sun Cheng those villager and village masters of the village early be pleased by the authorities don't the house lived to go to and estimated they can't, also not dare to have what opinion.
"Since come, that we go in a meeting meeting!"
Laurel ha ha on smiling, slightly absorbed an one breath, led the way to walked into, Anne in Fu-lung closes on the heels of afterward, immediately after is He Gui again.But after moving forward a hospital door, what expensive but again stop a step, anti- lead a body to say to Li Heng:
"Li Zong Bing.From now on, anyone can not close to this village.Officials particularly private's sub- scholar, the type of the bad service.But against anti-, shoot on sight!"
"The Zun makes!"
Li Heng is also very good,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com.In Jiangsu teaches prosperous.Private's sub- scholar is numerous, count extremely number.But the sun Cheng lake water in the lake is pure, the landscape is pretty, the son has the delicacies that hairy crab this etc. is known for world to become available in the market again, and then without resort to sea, wasn't inheritted the danger of Rao by the English person in October.So, affirmation will include many from life romantic private's sub- scholar or officials what ground come to upper stream in the island to have fun.Although blessing Kang Anne has already issued order an island in the name of two river governor of provinces, but who also not dare to promise can't someone breach a restriction order, also not know those guard an island in the outer circle of green camp soldier meeting can't bad matter son.But this negotiation again very important, have no result before is ten thousand ten thousand don't can reveal an affair to go out.If there is one silk careless omission, only blessing Kang Anne Rao not oneself, think the comfort and ease little bit of hopeless situation all perhaps is a crazy idea by that time.So, to He Gui this superior who not and mutually belong to generally immediately don't give discount the order of bottom of kept on ordering, but sent out along with this.The whole sun Cheng village immediately sank into desolate atmosphere.
He Gui Zou into village master inside in the house hospital of time, the laurel have already handed in Anne in Fu-lung's Chan under sit to a few British's in fronts that ready to already early.But this time, leading the way a ground of British is exactly Ma Er Jia Ni, George.The Gong Si then acted as assistant, there are in addition also two Britishes,Beats by Dre Electroplating, one text is one force, that is to draw what expensive advertent Ba Luo in times before.Ke Di Wei.In addition, just 2 come from managing a ground in Fan hospital to translate.
Probably because the recent relation was nervous, both parties didn't see a gift.Wait what expensive at laurel after right noodles seat sit in seat of honor under, both parties then go straight to topic.What to deliver words is Ma Er Jia Ni first.This taste sharp British emissary looking at laurel, the of tone air has already the slightest canned not find to the admiring of east empire and in times before in Guangdong and Peking express of humbleness, only have proud:
"Medium hall you, in times before my assistant George.Gong Si at heel you ground He Gui He's adult negotiate of time condition have already made clear us, now, don't know that you need not to need us to repeat 1 time again?"
"Do not need.Those conditions of yours are basic, our imperial government doesn't basically and impossibly promise!"Anne Yin in Fu-lung wears a face to answer a way.
"In fact, I feel you still need to listen to our conditions again.After all.At the time that last time negotiated, your personnel basically didn't finish listenning to, the time that listens to me reading to arrive Article 6 very ill-manneredly interrupted my statement, and also didn't according to routine we draft of the document takes to return to carry on a research."
George.The Gong Si smiled to see laurel and Fu-lung 2 Annes' one eye, changed direction vision He Gui again.It is regrettable.He Gui's seeming don't be seeing him.Just lower the head to looking at table, seem to think that the wood piece that count it to constitute table up and exactly has several grain roads similar.
"That you say the words all finish.However.The front is six need not, still immediately after read from Article 7!" The laurel Be tiny to squint Jing to say.
"……Is all right!"George.The Gong Si saw one eye Ma Er Jia Ni, see the other party ordering to nod and then holding a document station to start and immediately after and previous time having never finished reading out a ground of condition to continue to keep on reading:"Article 7:Release an our country to stay at all captives of Guangdong;Article 8:Allow British into a your country inland tour, preach and build up a church;Article 9:Allow British surveys in your country and mine a bankruptcy!"
"Extremely conceited!"Anne in Fu-lung's forehead emits to have blue vein,cheap beats by dre.
"You, this isn't the extremely conceited, but the performance of real strenght!"Ba Luo aside says with smile.
"Is old medium hall ……" Anne in Fu-lung changed direction laurel, "these condition we basically can not promise."
"Really can not promise." The laurel noodles have no facial expression, but don't seem to be how heavy as well, he stretches hand to pick up George.The Gong Si passes over here of those papers, at will sight-seed several bottoms, don't know as well to exactly understand have no, ask a way to Ma Er Jia Ni again:"The English makes, those condition of yours should be can with that the company measure of?"
"Certainly.The negotiation is in fact amount of company!This is the international top ground common sense."Ma Er Jia Ni smiles to nod to say, the words of laurel allow him to feel the other party a bit weak, this makes him very happy.He has ever been to Peking and certainly knows that the in front, this old Sir is whole inside country position the tallest officials, the prime minister of equal to British Empire.On the vehemence exceled one personal thing so, absolutely worth he proud of whole life.
"The common sense of of state-to-state?Hum ……"Anne in Fu-lung Be again cold to hum.Big pure country independence country, in addition to Kangxi lead with Russian label 《the Ni cloth Chu's treaty 》 once, when once have with other nations what negotiate?Is 《the Ni cloth Chu's treaty 》 , also still Kangxi is for vacating hand to deal with Ge Er Dan to just sign ground.From that after, which time outward, the imperial government isn't direct Related articles:

