
cheap beats by dre ine of an efficiency

Firmly stand by this strategic key figure.
-Front in Bhutan:The our army whole Jianses invade an another infantry regiment to armor infantry division of soldier in printing of Bhutan and one to mount sudden attack a trip, controled the whole territorieses of Bhutan.King in Bhutan signed friendly treaty in China, Bhutan in person and entrusted China's invasion in printing a soldier to carry on defense.
-Sikkim front:Not only printed all of the soldiers to expel Sikkim Kingdom, and the one who recovered to be printed by the English to colonize a doctrine captured Ga Lun fortress and great luck Ling are these two greatest key figures for a century, and at their south 15 kilometers built up firm defense line and also owned two armored divisions of heavy type tank materials.The our army stations in empress in Bhutan-Sikkim to bring tremendous pressure to the northeast hallway that prints a soldier, a big segment the railroad line and highway fell into the thermodynamic power turn of the heavy type artillery of our army.
-Medium print medium segment and west segment of boundary:The our army has already all recovered gram match Qin region, and cross over tradition habit line in the partial region, have already captured the Ka La Kun Lun mountain pass the ground and the class in the Dou Shuan special Ao of the south male Pan from shore Si in Hunan is ancient printing of noodles in Er Hubei soldier importance of replenishment base Chu is comfortable especially.Obtained an extremely beneficial defense position.
-The raining season of Tibet region belongs to a normal year view this year and start rain cloud that goes up north from the Indian Ocean on June 17 so always irruptive and hide a southern region to turn into Qing Xie but the shower of bottom, the volume of rain enlarges gradually, however haven't had hurricane raid up to now, once didn't°yet be next the heavy rain-storm is especially.Is green to hide a highway and from pull Sa into Sikkim and reach a prosperous highway system efficiency is to descend a lot, but the slightest did not"paralyze" of evidence.But originally be printed the region that the soldier captures, system quality equal Gao in highway built by India engineer corp.East line war the food, dress of the area be canned right on the spot get a replenishment with parts of fuel, add of heavy type tank, heavy type by oneself artillery and antiair guided missile, and a part of fuel and ammunition can carry through Burma.Transport mainly is some to urgently maintain a parts by air and medium small scaled guided missile.So the logistic pressure isn't big,cheap beats by dre.
-Medium print the medium segment of the boundary and western war area of the west segment composing:Lately hiding a highway to follow a linear geology condition is really very bad, from pull Sa to system foundation in the highway of the west of Tibet frontier region more bad, although threw in large numbers of maintenance strength to carry on renovating and constantly rob insurance row Zhang, route on land supply line of an efficiency still a significant underground decline.作战部队的日消耗量约为1万吨,公路系统只能提供2500吨的补给,虽然印军基地中的储备可以补充相当部分的消耗,部队所需的粮食蔬菜、肉类和乳制品也可以由当地的军垦农牧场来提供,工程兵则完善了供水系统,并就地修建了多个利用优质矿泉生产瓶装和桶装饮用水的工厂,但仍有6000多吨缺口。
此时空中输运能力成了主力,从巴基斯坦北部的转运场和喀什机场到前线几个基地的空运距离分别小于700公里和1000公里,而和田地区的军工生产基地开始发挥了重大的作用,由于运距更短,只有500公里,运输机只需要装最基础的电池,一架运-14M重型运输机可运载46吨货物,运-8M可运载25吨货物,一天平均可飞行9-10个航次。The "in the eagle in sky" battle plan has already had to this should be also refitted 2 luck-14 Mses and 2 luck-8 Mses by airplane factory in Xian to the measure, the whole passenger compartment is two big fuel tanks, Be exclusively used for transporting oil by air to anticipate.Day and night and without intermission rob a luck by 10 luck-14 Mses and 10 luck-8 Mseses, the day carrying capacity can reach to more than 6,000 tons, basic satisfied to front battle of demand.
All these provides a full logistic guarantee for the last long terrific fight of next move.

Section 14 air guerrilla war

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