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Pet insurance companies have been developing over the last 20 years here in the U.S. and abroad. Over the years, pet parents have started to look into more medical options for their four-legged friends, and veterinarians as a result have started offering numerous procedures and treatments that weren available even a few years ago. With all these options come greater costs, and as a result, pet parents are not always prepared to pay those vet costs that could save their dog or help their cat walk again.

How Pet Insurance Companies Work
Most pet insurance companies have a few basics in common. You usually pay a monthly premium; select an annual or per incident deductible amount; can go to any veterinarian you choose; pay your vet first, file a claim and then get reimbursed; and pre-existing conditions and related treatments are not covered. Breeding issues, experimental treatments, and cosmetic surgery like declawing and tail docking are also typically not covered.

There are also a number of differences between companies. These differences often impact the cost of the monthly premium or the way in which you would get reimbursed after a veterinary visit. Some of the main differences are:
?Whether congenital and hereditary conditions (like hip dysplasia, heart defects, eye cataracts or diabetes) are covered;
?How the reimbursement is calculated (based on the actual vet bill,cheap beats by dre, a benefit schedule or usual and customary rates);
?Whether there are any limits or caps applied (per incident, per year or over the pet lifetime); and
?Whether there is an annual contract that determines anything diagnosed in the previous year of coverage is considered pre-existing the next year.

Should you research pet insurance companies yourself, make sure to ask if you can send them your pet medical history to review. This should provide an accurate assessment of any pre-existing conditions that would not be covered and what you can expect to get reimbursed when you visit your veterinarian. Healthy Paws Pet Insurance & Foundation is always happy to review these records for you within their 30-day money back guarantee period. Related articles:

