
beats dr dre way worked properly

Chapter 878 begins
The summer speech has no useless talk, body in the sky on turning, celebrated sea with Yan almost to turn a direction at the same time, quickly fly Lue but lead.2 people are apart from a ground, all only only several heights of ten meters.In this mentally dense space, self-discipline if fly too highly, near apart from thunder cloud, so risk nature consumedly of increment.
"See, these two bastards are indeed as expected following us"
After,beats dr dre, a short moment's Yan celebrates fierce simply connecting Shan of twos in the sea eyes the voice deeply sinking to say.
After 2 people turned a direction to fly, after death two jet of gas interests out of several hundred insides, also close behind turned a direction, continued to fall to talk to celebrate sea with Yan after death in summer.And see its power, don't also conceal the meaning of oneself's movements.Several distances of 100 insides, they obviously should know, this distance isn't likely to deceive lead nine Yans of class celestial spirits state celebrate sea.
"Meeting can't be the Lang that together get into mentally dense space with us evil palace self-discipline?"The summer talks eyebrows tiny tiny a wrinkly, celebrate sea to surmise to say to the Yan.
Oneself and Yan celebrates sea 2 people fly the road of now, distance Lu strange adult will public the place taking don't calculate far.In this one region, summer's talking just don't respond existence other self - disciplines.So after death of 2 people, very probably is also the Lang that together get into mentally dense space evil boundary self-discipline.
"Very may we stop first now bottom, wait they to close to, my pouring to and see is exactly which two bastards."The Yan celebrates a sea point to nod, the vision stares at after death, the body moment lives, space inside a current of air, the gradual dissipation drops.
"Do they follow us, whether have to be disadvantageous to us?A short while if meet, do they begin how to do?"The summer speech after living body makes a noise to inquire a way.
Now summer speech is four class celestial spirits state, real strenght at the whole Lang evil boundary, can be called a superior.But at inside the evil palace, the Lang's summer talks now also only can be regarded as mat bottom.If begin of words, that affirmation dangerous layer after layer.
"Is no harm, if is really the self-discipline of the evil Lang palace, they aren't likely to dare to directly begin to you."The Yan celebrates sea but is the speech that smiled to smile to the summer to say.
"?"The summer talks look in the eyes one Shan.
"Now your body up, have one the silk Lu the spirit branding of the strange adult.As long as doing not outrun certain scope, you within this period of time the circumstance for meeting, Lu strange adults can know to know.These 2 people if Lang the self-discipline of the evil palace, how probably dare directly make moves to you?Spirit branding in"the Yan celebrates sea to quickly say, ", can also avoid cheating of circumstance occurrence."
The summer of"so that's why" talks to deeply order.
By this time, 2 people the figure in black, have already appeared to talk to celebrate the sea 2 people's view with Yan in summer inside.Obviously, 2 people really don't conceal his/her own meaning.See the summer talk to celebrate Haydn with Yan to live body, also direct flew to come over.
"H'm?While being Meng big wave and bear of brocade dress palace to choose."The Yan celebrates sea horse up recognize a , these 2 people.
"Belong to the self-discipline of brocade dress palace?Brocade dress palace with we star Dou the self-discipline of the palace relate to not good?"The summer speech hears the Yan celebrate sea talk, make a noise to ask a way.
"It isn't really friendly."The Yan celebrates there is some yins in the sea facial expression cold way.
"The Yan celebrates sea, do you stop to do what here?"The long-haired Meng big wave sees the Yan celebrating sea and summer to talk 2 people, look in the eyes tiny tiny one Mi, sneer at to say.
"Hum, does your 2 people have been following us to want to do what when the Meng big wave, bear chooses?"The Yan celebrates sea tiny tiny on inhaling, the breast starts to stand and sinks an interrogation way.
"Follow you?Is really a joke Yan to celebrate sea, you is this what mean?Did we when follow you?Say the place passed by by you in the mentally dense space, disallows others process and pass by?Return be really violent in action"the bear of short hair choose once the facial expression change and crueltily say right away.
The Yan celebrates a sea double the eyebrow form a Chuan son and die to deadly stare at 2 people's cheek, lead a few breath time, just say again, "I talk with summer and take a rest a short while here, you can walk."
"Ha ha, is really a joke, do you make us walk to get to walk?We still didn't walk"Meng big wave ha ha on smiling, when the look in the eyes sees choose toward the bear at the side of body loudly of say.
"Good you since don't walk, that we walk summer to talk and walk."The Yan celebrates sea to the speech in summer with the corner of mouth signal hint for a while, inside two human bodies of work properly dint, rapid revolve.A regiment works properly dint to ripple but, descend a moment, 2 people's figure then disappears in the space of surroundings at the same time inside.That regiment works properly dint motion and resumes equanimity later on.
"Unexpectedly use moment ambulation return be really not afraid dead.Hum, however, you think the moment moves can get away from?The Yan celebrates sea, if only have yourself, probably our 2 people still really makes track for not up, but have the summer of second class celestial spirits state to talk ……Hey Hey ……"
See the summer talk to celebrate sea with Yan to disappear in this one space, didn't rear one anxious, consciousness in a twinkling sends forth to go out.
"At southeast square, we catch up, don't the gist make them really run away" Meng big wave vision is one Shan, 2 people will work properly a dint operation to get up while choosing with bear, the breathing suddenly revolves but, two black bodies, equally disappear in this one space inside.
"The summer talks and carefully orders.These two guys also have been all being following us.2 people when Meng big wave and bear choose, all have already stepped to go into nine class celestial spirits state, it is can hardly for us to fling off them, they don't dare to wear to begin clearly, but affirmation will be secretly making ghost."Several times after moving in a sudden, the Yan celebrates sea to respond brocade Meng big wave and bear of the dress palace choose still always heel after their two Human bodieses, make a noise the speech to the summer to instruct a way.
"H'm."The summer speech orders, the whole body full-length gown quickly stirs up once, the vision is a , " I will be careful."
The geography of three wreaths in this mentally dense space, want than the outer circle district complicated get many.Various clough of Qiu Huo, everywhere it is thus clear that, even have some skeletons, the distributing of odd pieces is in the earth's surface.
"H'm?That skeleton that is what things?"
The summer talks vision one Ning and sees a huge gray framework in the front.This framework obviously isn't mankind to own, but is like a huge a certain figure wild beast.
The "should be the skeleton that works properly a monster" Yan celebrates once the sea vision sweep and then make a noise a way.
At this time, 2 people early have already changed to move in a sudden for fly.In the mentally dense space, in a sudden move is a very dangerous affair.And, move in a sudden in, may miss the dint of some mentally denses very much of a little bit cloudy.2 people get into mentally dense space, for the sake of collections mentally dense of dint, can not have been keeping on moving in a sudden naturally.
"What?BE work properly the skeleton of monster?"The summer talked eyes Zheng Zheng, in the heart a surprised.
As early as star Dou palace of time, the summer talks and then once hearded that this mentally dense space contains some monster of working properlies, there is even also fierce monster.However no matter get into mentally dense space for the first time, or get into mentally dense space this time, summer's talking don't see where fear that one works properly a monster and fierce monster.
"Is" a Yan to celebrate sea to nod, "mentally dense space, the region is very large, and have some special space existence.This mentally dense space, very special, it can link evil boundary of the whole Lang of 360 cities.Have some ferociously work properly a monster and fierce monster, will appear and disappear in this mentally dense space."
The Yan celebrates sea tiny inhale.
"The dint of the mentally dense contains advantage to our self-discipline of self-discipline, to the self-discipline that works properly a monster and is fierce to a monster, there is also tremendous advantage.However, is also positive because mentally dense space region very wide Mao, so we can hardly really run into to work properly a monster and fierce monster."The Yan celebrates sea to peep out a smiling face and lets the speech in summer have peace of mind.
"I get into mentally dense space for many times, also have never run in to work properly a monster and fierce monster.Work properly a monster with fierce the monster all has certain intelligence, they generally also would not like to with self-discipline front side contact, depending on the mankind can not with it compare of respond dint, work properly a monster and fierce monster usually at with mankind self-discipline positive contact front precision of the choice avert from."The Yan celebrates sea to took a look afar to continue way.
"?The summer talks, we control breath still really quite good, seem there a mentally dense of dint of a little bit cloudy."Fore noodles a few words just fell in, the Yan celebrated sea to say for the laughter, once the arm explored and pointed at way in a place.
"I saw, those were the dint of the mentally denses."The summer talks a pleased way.
Two Human body shadow in a flash, the dint of the facing mentally dense is a little bit cloudy to quickly close to.This is a little bit cloudy not big, the dint of the mentally dense is also few, look the appearance that may disappear at any time.
"Collect quickly and quickly, can collect how much is how much.The dint of these mentally denses, can can change into integral calculus"say, Yan's celebrating sea has already taken out a black universe altar and continuously urge to work properly dint, inside the universe altar of dint income oneself of the mentally dense in yellow.
The action that the summer talks is also unlike he is slow, the dint of this mentally dense, and can't have been staying here.The dint of cloudy mentally dense in usually a location isn't too long, separate up and for a while, the dint of these mentally denses then will disappear.
"Ha ha ha ha……"
"Is the dint of the mentally dense"
At by this time, two black figures , on connecting a rock, felled a summer to talk celebrate sea with Yan 2 people are collecting of the dint of the mentally dense a little bit cloudy place, have no the slightest unable to decide, in the cachinnation voice send out at the same time, then take out own universe altar to start collecting.
"Meng big wave, when the bear chooses you is this what mean?"The Yan celebrates sea facial expression a dark, deeply sink of voice one word is a , one regiment fury, celebrate to start burning in the sea chest in the Yan.
"Hey Hey, anyway you also collect not over, the dint of a short while these mentally denses hour, that all ran to waste."On smiling, the Meng big wave Hey Hey's eccentric way.
"Get away" Yan to celebrate a sea eyebrow to immediately stick out, a Zhang directly claps and dashingly works properly dint, while in a twinkling gobbling up to choose toward the Meng big wave and the bear two Human bodies before.
"Good ah, the Yan celebrates sea, this is that you begin first, rest to blame me Don't mention it" Meng big wave seems to be early to ready to, the words sound didn't fall, then double boxing at the same time the facing Yan celebrated the energy that the sea releases to bomb pass by.
When"the Yan celebrates sea, since is that you begin first, that we can have no the truth that don't strike back to break" bear chose, also fierce take a suck at spirit, fierce in the eyes only one Shan, a way worked properly dint to form one noodles huge net, the facing summer talks to celebrate sea with Yan 2 people to cover with but descend.
When Meng big wave and bear chose, it obviously was waiting this opportunity.See the Yan celebrating sea to make moves and sparing no effort to return shot right away.
A few strength collision, the strong spirit wave, all directly hurtles to open the dint of these mentally denses.The summer talks once the breathing sink, the gold color works properly dint to spray to vomit but, the big mentally dense Shu then releases a body outside.
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