
beats by dre studio ina these engineeri

Is actually such, king the layout just was more unlimited than the neighboring country of the west and the south.He has already promoted the national security strategy to vaster region.The total party activity of the whole Southeast Asia has already recovered under his support.The situation of Malaysia is the farest from good.Because the economic situation is gradually worsen, under with all strength supporting of China, horse totally big four activities, they start of anti- hooligan, anti- oppress, sport of the anti- racial discrimination is very popular, also make to have'Malaya Liberation Front', the chairman of the line of battle unexpectedly is ex- senior councilman, Ma Ha Ji, reach a professor.Ma Gong's leader of new generation nameds Chen You Hua, is Ma Lai's clansmen, true Mu sweat the Mu is virtuous.Admire Di worship ex- Ma Gong's leader very much.Estimate under support of the base of the Tai Chinese establishment of boundary horse according to Malaysia intelligence report organization, Ma Gong's Liberation Arm has already had 8,000 main force and 3,000 places to visit a shot brigade, they have already controled the Ji orchid Dan state of Ma Tai's frontier and Ji to beat big parts of regions of state, lightning flash state and state in the glass City.Ma Gong's influence still seeped into a big city, many young persons also the dissatisfied present condition joined'solution'.
"Admiring Di virtuous gram of premier's attitude is very tough, just destroy completely the military operation of Ma Gong's Liberation Arm to repeatedly suffer a defeat.The United States and England has already cooperated to send anti- guerrilla war expert the team guide a Jiao total activity in Kuala Lumpur, and provide some soldiers to aid, but be not enough to use.Haven't seen result currently."
The Ao is always wild dint to certainly pretty much concern the safety of important route of the straits ―― Japan of Ma Liu Jia and ask a way:"We can cooperate with American to press Thailand to take action to uproot the Tai boundary horse's Ma Gong's base and come to get to the root of the matter."
The Foreign Minister of the Suzuki sighs a way:"Thailand receives benefit the item that in the Laos and Cambodia launches in China, these engineering and development item not only imported large numbers of supplieses from Thailand, but also still asked for help of the port and railroad line of Thailand.How do they dare to give offense to China?China company at Tai south of northern big year of, Sung card, that pulls to lift tile and also pulls four mansion important event investment forestry stations, rubber plantation, fishing company and real estate, these mansion yins got a big pen advantage, the unemployed number greatly reduces, social public order amendment.How does government in Bangkok dare to offend these place influences?Otherwise they start to pull'northern big year republic'of signal, Bangkok had a headache more."
Medium village and Ao wild on the whole understand economic money of ―― also has a so big function.
Countryside:"The circumstance of Indonesia is also far from good, the king just changed a method over there.The Indonesian total activity is basically placed in an underground, in Java, Su pull Wei west, Su door answer La and add in the Man Dan all has some visit shot of base, however is all not big.We cooperate inquisitional intelligence report to suggest with CIA, in recent years have medium the total China company of background pumps capital into in Indonesia, they take these business enterprises as backstage and put forth effort to organize Chinese people, overseas Chinese, the title is a lot of, what Jing Wu Hui, totally help meeting, board of trade,beats by dre studio, pogey and labor union, even Chinese school etc..They not only take out large sum of earnings to subsidize Indonesian poor people, but also mobilize other China companies by themselves pecuniary aid morely the public-spirited business everywhere to take a popular support.Friendly association's influence in Indonesia in China, Indonesia is very big now, affirmation includes large numbers of Indonesia totally and mixs therein.Some people of Taiwan although total influence in the middle of devoting major efforts and getting rid of, oneself is also making some groups, however the real strenght differs too far, nothing important effect.
"The political situation of Indonesia is also very delicate nowadays, under the influence of economic crisis, the problem of Indonesian economy rears further, Indonesian shield significantly depreciates, the unemployed number is fierce to increase, the total amount of foreign loans at the beginning of this century the foundation of USD 160,000,000,000 up have already increased into 170,000,000,000.Can be propped up by petroleum resources.President Ni in Suva seems to be really to leftist elements, didn't adopt tough measure to total development in Indonesia and feared to arise a people to change, to China is also hold friendly attitude, significant raised the local Chinese people's position, the trade volume of China and Indonesia suddenly increased.Indonesian coup soldier killed brutally about 1,000,000 Indonesian communist persons and Chinese people file data to suddenly and on a large scale announce on the medium and the network a few months ago in those early years and arose a scathing rebuke at home and abroad and made the military authority was very distress, army and special kind the soldier absolutely became the pronoun of murderer, American central intelligence agency was massacring the leading role position in the affairs also and exposing undoubtedly, in my fame also very smelly.The CIA doubt is China the work stem is especially of.
"Indonesian military authority also split up now, army commander Na Luo the second Ji full general become originally'professional group'of flagman, special kind soldier troops commander Su Si Man the lieutenant general pull with him most tightly, they advocate that Indonesia staging a comeback scathing suppression is total, and the activity of tight surveillance Chinese people, and registers system to the Chinese people's various personnel with compulsive organization implementation, ….The president determinedly gives negation, the president's party groupings had majority of seats in the congress, and the position was firmer.And he got air force commander Wei the Ni reach support of full general, certainly the air force also got the military expenses of very big quota, the air force neglects the objection of army and the special kind soldier's troops recently, oneself established air force special kind soldier, deepened two to send of antinomy.Navy's commander virtuous He Su the Ji full general seem attitude neutral.
"The king just got rid of the threat of these peripheries and started devoting one's minding his unified big industry.Taiwanese intelligence report suggests that foreland in Fukien has already started a cleaning up of capital from Taiwan business enterprise;Many passive members to fishermans and residentses to Cambodia immigrate;Local government announcement new fishery policy, large numbers of small fishing boats are been sealed to save after procuring by the government, many fishermans turned to go into a pool and sea water farming industry, have 6 shipbuilding factories acquired the center the batch are especially of porcelain steel plate, according to standard of the diagram paper start producing the medium and small scaled fishing round of 500-1200 tons, so each fishing round control that will get navy.A vessel manufactory of Shanghai is moved Huang Bu Gang in Guangzhou neighborhood is after the shipbuilding base of large-scale extension.The king just still adjusted the vessel manufacturing of gathering Dalian, Wuhan the strength have already reformed a boat factory of Davao Islands had the vessel of scale to construct factory rather.The first step strengthened the vessel of the south manufacturing ability."
The farmland Chuan quick man connects a people's way:"Davao Islands brought about now a new of development construction high tide.Originally the our country manufacturer invests of ocean Bu development area always also recession, from last year the four seasons degree beginning, have already signed an item a series of engineerings like manufactory,etc of car manufactory, machine manufactory, cold Ya plank factory, computer and various plank piece, because of development area of the kit facilities is well-found, investment of again is the big group of China, many engineerings have already started a radicle setting up a construction and even ushered in from the United States for this 2 set gas round machine generator set to extend the ability of generating electricity.At famous Hainan have been already started work as well on a steel and iron works of 1,000,000 ton classes of iron mine side.Yu Lin Gang's pit electricity station has already broken ground to begin to work, finally will install the generator set of 4 sets 900,000 kilowatts."
Persons here all poured to absorb one mouthful cool spirit, had to have much production ability to absorb these electric powers.
Medium village despise way:"Farmland Chuan gentleman, this probably again is re-appear the beginning of 90's in last century, flashy'Hainan is hot'.King just wanted to repeat the same mistake again?"
"Not definitely, at three second 5,000,000 ton class the petrochemical factory have been already begun to work as well.Have these heavy turn industrial support, the construction fever of Hainan should be brief."
The Ao is wild to worry a way:"By so doing the king just needed not pass dangerous Taiwan strait to transfer a heavy type vessel.Can steadily attack from both flanks Taiwan from the southern north two parties."
Farmland Chuan:"This can't the meeting be a king to just recover the preparation work of south sand?"
The Ao is wild to think that this is absolutely an inexperienced viewpoint, response way:"This is impossible.King's preparing to attack and occupy the activity of Taiwan just with one and half years' time was already very exhausting just.The navy is a Chinese weakest armed services, carry this heavy responsibility far from easy matter.Helicopters' wanting to across have no covered straits to be not disheveled hair now difficulty is also very high.The king just wasn't likely to was south china sea tooking war to carry again, that would weaken his navy's strength further.Their only using then the long range air force's strength can protect to station the vessel over there to don't need to encounter continuously assaulting of Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia air force."
The temple originally came out to guide:"Everybody, king just really just with all strength prepared to complete his unified big industry, crazy idea establishment not a life time effort.But he wants to deal with of isn't the strength in Taiwan, but Related articles:

