
beats by dre cheap yage of haveAny-gra

 7367638689 meetings 23 general hotels
Piece-the Pisa of Lang Mu 857180777622 better bars
The Lun Suo-door especially 5965685364 one one better hotels in Sa Lisbon
The Louis-method thunder Stockholm 5855585363 measure 11 badly bar
John-card Si especially Luo is hot that second 75526979542 one better bars
Two, medium voyage private
The name port recommendation dominates the voyage courage swordsmanship magic power stunt sail class war class lucky place
Pan's Buddha-Ao dint is virtuous in add**6478596186 measure/cannon 65 badly bar
The rice Er Lisbon, Cairo-Lai**8473845486 measure/cannon/hand over 76 general hotels
The Di Ge-method space Di Si tile Lun the west is second*538376818866 better bars
Ni gram-Si Di the aroma is hot that is second*7979747378 measure 85 general bars
Each graceful cloth-Wei Er Wei gram Bordeaux 6452887767 meetings 53 general bars
Er white-the Si radicle pull strange Istanbul 546867795855 badly bar
The gram bears Si-Xiao 756153628856 general hotels in Amsterdam is especially
Three, deluxe voyage private
The name port recommendation dominates the voyage courage swordsmanship magic power stunt sail class war class lucky place
Lawrence-moxa virtuous gas London**5188625279 hand over/cannon 79 general hotels
The Er mulberry is virtuous-class the Zhuo pull to compare especially loose**8374776483 cannons 78 general hotels
Method Lu south-article especially Wearnes 7873886966 measure/figure 127 not good bars
The Si of the man-rest tower Amsterdam especially 8557578684 measure/figure 79 general bars
Di elder brother Ai-100 orchid Sis fill Wei Er 7375645476 measure/hand over 117 better bars
The Luo radicle-John Ni fill Wei Er 6185708676 measure/hand over 149 general bars
Shell Er south especially-Ge wheat Si second dint mountain Zhuo 8370658883 measure/diagram/meeting 1412 better bars
That the benefit-thunder Si Istanbul***80100685274 all 6050 very good hotels
Four, enlist to develop the voyage private's brief introduction:
1, when the game start enlist a few important entry-level voyage privates to come to hand quickly.Is suitable voyage of have:Any-gram the Sa, Anne's Tony-summer's benefit and space Er Di-wear thunder to pull, the Fu plum is especially;What to suit naval battle is:Add an inside-fee summer and Anne winter the Ni-gold Suo and card is firm Lai-fee Delhi.Conveniently take up:The Lao Er-fee is strange, orchid-method the west should be able to account.
2, entry-level voyage the private is the most friendly.Because their grade is low, easily enlisted in early days in the game, and then took to arrive to toughen on board, very easy can attain 100 voyage Shus and 100 loyaltieses.Thus, when the middle warship ship is getting more, not the sorrow didn't have the good captain,beats by dre cheap.
3, in the middle, be your grade is enough of time, you can enlist those private is in the class voyage, however, is ineffective----Because the talented persons whom you toughenned in early days, all stronger than them now.Therefore, medium class voyage the private win, only 2 will gunnery of(Pan's Buddha-Ao dint is virtuous, the rice Er in Cairo-Lai) Be worth considering.
4, so-called deluxe voyage private, not and really high class.When your grade enough enlists them, they early is not in the original port, and, at that time, the talented person whom you enlisted in early days, all have already become pillars.Actually, you no longer need these"deluxe talented person"---- Unless the naval battle needs and enlists virtuous gas of Lawrence-moxa, the Er mulberry is virtuous-class Zhuo.
5, also have to not and well-knownly conceal a voyage private.All voyages privates who own gunnery are as follows:Pan's Buddha-Ao dint is virtuous(Spain), Ma Liu Ting-Pa Er Bo(Spain) and Fu Lang western gram of Si- the Er tile Lai Si(Portugal), the rice Er(Portugal) in Cairo-Lai and Lawrence-moxa virtuous gas(England) and Anne winter Ni-gold Suo(England), the Er mulberry is virtuous-class Zhuo(Italy) and piece- Er Ping Si(pirate), card firm Lai-fee Delhi(pirate) and Henry-receive a Si method Er(pirate), add inside-fee summer(pirate) and Luo Pa especially-Luo(pirate) and moxa virtuous tile-but ratio(pirate), the Richard is virtuous-admire gram Si(pirate)

The sail II sets 2 martial Kai enactments
Renew time:2009-4-314:46:36 chapter word numbers:638

The weapon sets:
Bayonet(attackstone dint D)
Heavy sword(attackstone dint D)
Is short to wear sword(attack dint D)
Stab sword(attack dint C)
Wear sword(attack dint C)
Lance(attackstone dint B)
Turkey machete(attackstone dint B)
Long sting sword(attackstone dint B)
Kuo sword(attackstone dint B)
Cutlass(attackstone dint B)
Long-handled sword(attackstone dint A-)
Japanese knife(attackstone dint A-)
Snake form sword(attack dint A-)[the weapon of red beard]
Double blade breadth knife(attack dint A-)[the weapon of black beard]
Inferior sword(attack dint A)[the attack dint be second only to*class weapon, host Mr. the gold expect before the tooth use to wear sword, change name "a etc."]
Woman without pubic hair half month knife(attack dint A )[approach the eastern east of best, because producing the ground is Hanoi-the Fan of China belonged to ground at that time, does the gold tooth brandish to also take proud of race feelings rather!The additional feelings attack dint promotes to A++]
*Class weapon:
Evil knife(A+)
Demon knife the village is positive(A++)
The saint knight's sword(A++)
Absolute being sword(A+++)
Green Long Yan Yue's knife(attack dint A)[gold tooth pirate the weapon has feelings additional function in the middle of one book.Green knife of Long Yan Yue the attack dint will promote to AN in Chinese hand+++++.Gold tooth I always was full of race feelings while using green Long Yan Yue's knife, imagined that oneself is the incarnation of Wu Sheng Guan's feather, a recruit dint to split a no man ability enemy!]
The battle armor sets:
Hard Kai(defendoof dint D)
Lock son A(defense dint C)
Short A(defendoof dint B)
Serial A(defense dint A)[red beard black beards all once provided with of good battle armor]
*Class battle armor:
Moxa Luo Er treasure A(A+)
The saint knight's A(A+++)

The sail II sets 2 grade enactments
Renew time:2009-4-314:46:37 chapter word numbers:344

1, the big voyage is 2 to divide 2 kinds in experience grade:Voyage level grade and combat level grade.Tallest is 100 classes.
2, voyage experience, is decided by the date that the on the water spends.The captain, assistant gets an empirical formula BE:Experience=date*date*2.Accountancy, long sailor, sailor get empirical formula BE:Experience=date*date.(compute by 70 days longer than 70 days)If you intend to develop a someone, his sail sea Shu but very low, can make him serve as assistant.
3, naval battle experience, and the enemy's type, hair how much shell, the shot sink how much boats and ships have a relation.In the naval battle only captain president of association experience, the assistant, accountancy and sailor are long with sailor can't grow naval battle experience value in the naval battle.The list picks experience for getting and all generally sink a boats and ships to want than the shot little get many.
4, grade and empirical relation:Get stripe experience needed=current grade Related articles:

